This didn't work out when implementing in Digital Project. The goal of making all of the pentagons planar was abandoned, and hexagons were adopted as well. Here we see the implementation of the hexagonal surface:
(1)Crossing Fans of lines were drawn. (2)The resultant crossing points were used to make a grid of points. (3) Based on the outside boundary of this grid along with a single passing point, a fill surface was created. (4) The appropriate grid points were then projected onto the fill surface yielding a 3-Dimensional grid. (5) The first six sided pyramid was built on this grid. (6) This Pyramid was then power-copied across the 3-D grid. (7) The underlying grid can be modified by moving the fans, changing the angle between fan blades, or changing the fan rotation. (8) A new 3-D geometry is created once the changes cascade through the tree. (9) In yet another geometry we can see some interesting behavior; the pyramids are sometimes generated in a concave manner, and sometimes in a convex manner. All pyramids can be switched by changing the height value from a positive(+) to a negative (-), but no easy fix could be discovered to keep all the pyramids going in the same direction.
Finally, an error message always appeared when using global variables:
What can be done to eliminate this?